Dedicated to the transmission and accomplishment of the Ati Yoga teachings of Buddhadharma.
Rangdröl Foundation
The Rangdröl Foundation is a collaborative community dedicated to the path of Ati Yoga.
Rangdröl is a Tibetan word that means self-liberation. Liberation is the primary endeavor for practitioners of the Buddhadharma. On the path of the Dzogchen: The Great Perfection, the principle of rangdröl is exemplified by taking ones own buddhanature as the path in a direct way. Through this path one is working toward liberation through recognizing and remaining in one’s true nature. The most direct path to liberation is through discovering this nature within ourselves and working to benefit others.
Lama Joe has been a student of the Buddhadharma for over two decades. He has trained within all four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism but his focus has been on the teachings of the Nyingma lineage and in particular, Dzogchen. He has been fortunate to receive teachings and transmissions from numerous masters over the years. His main teachers are Chögyal Namkhai Norbu, Khenchen Namdrol Rinpoche, Acarya Malcolm Smith, and Dungse Rigdzin Dorje Rinpoche, who has encouraged his teaching activities over the past several years.
He has completed two traditional ngöndro accumulations, three roots retreats, and has recently completed teachings on Longchenpa’s Finding Rest in the Nature of Mind, Shantideva’s Bodhicaryavatara, The Song of the Vajra, Mipham’s White Lotus, and other wisdom texts of the Nyingma tradition.
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